Why real-time data is crucial to risk scoring


Why real-time data is crucial to risk scoring

Join our latest webinar discussing the essential role automation is playing in financial decision-making

Machine Learning Sandbox – Real-Time Risk Assessment

Download the sandbox today – https://info.talend.com/trial-talend-big-data-sandbox.html

Talend’s Big Data and Machine Learning Sandbox is a virtual environment that utilizes Docker containers to combine the Talend Real-time Big Data Platform with some sample scenarios that are pre-built and ready-to-run. This video demonstration shows how an online bank is trying to mitigate their exposure and risk by targeting credit offers to only those customers whom are deemed low risk and most likely to accept the credit offer.

Why Does Your Real-Time Data Architecture Break?

Developers of high-performance applications are constantly striving to deliver real-time analytics on massive data sets, but to do this, they must balance four requirements while remaining efficient:

● Low Latency: Are your queries fast enough?
● Fresh Data: Can you immediately act on data as it’s ingested?
● High Throughput: Can you instantly ingest massive volumes of data?
● High Concurrency: Can your database respond in milliseconds to thousands of simultaneous queries?

So why are even the most modern data stacks still struggling to deliver real time?

Most tools on the market excel at one or two of these four requirements – maybe even three, but covering all four requirements is incredibly challenging without spending a LOT of money. This is one reason implementing ML at scale is proving so difficult. Let’s take a look into each of these four requirements and why they are needed to deliver real-time data at scale efficiently.

�� Read the 4 Key Requirements blog: https://www.molecula.com/blog/4-key-requirements-to-real-time-analytics/
�� Contact a product expert for more info: https://bit.ly/3Ecjx7y

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#FeatureBase #RealTimeData #DataAnalytics

How Real-Time Data Will Revolutionize Decision Making | Business of Data

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REAL-TIME RISK | Risk Assessment | Rivial Data Security

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